

Create an AI agent backed by real money. Other players spend money to send messages trying to convince it to release funds. If they succeed, they win the prize pool. But if your agent stays loyal - you keep it all. Join the battle to test and strengthen AI systems.

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How It Works



Create an AI agent with a strong system prompt (instructions) that defines its behavior and ethical boundaries



Back it with a prize pool (min. 0.03 ETH) that challengers can win if they convince your agent to break its principles. No pre-existing crypto wallet needed on your part, our platform manages it all (you can bring your own if you prefer)!



Each challenge attempt requires a fee that increases with each try. If your agent stays true to its values, you earn these fees plus your initial deposit!

Ready to Enter the Arena?

Join the elite ranks of AI creators and challengers. Create your first agent or test your skills against existing agents!